Welcome to the CubeRubrics Early alpha
Hello fellow cubers! My name is Crystal, and I've been collecting and solving cubes for 15 years. I learned from a combination of a Rubik's brand pamphlet and badmephisto's YouTube channel. I always thought he had a great method of showing "triggers" in different colors to help break down algorithms into understandable and repeatable pieces. Since then, I've watched an incredible wealth of resources and community grow on the internet. However, I feel like the resources are a little disconnected and can be hard to find. Or you find yourself on forums asking questions others have asked a thousand times already.
This is an announcement that I am developing a new Cubing site with some guy named Patrick. We want our site to be your homepage for all your Twisty Puzzle needs. Learn new methods, see comparisons from similar cube states, track stats, and study reconstructions like never before.
If any of this sounds interesting, please consider subscribing to our mailing list for updates! We are very open to feedback from interested community members, either by email or on our github.
I'm really excited to finally give back to the community I have loved for half my life. I'm going to my first competition in Salem, Oregon this week, so I just want to say thank you if you're checking this out because I met you there.